Technological tools for the communication of emotions generated by indigenous crafts

Olivia Allende-Hernández | Bio
Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca
Israel Morales-Becerra
Universidad del Mar
Celia Reyes-Espinoza | Bio
Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca


The main problem faced by indigenous craftswomen is the intermediation of their products and the lack of fair remuneration for their creations. In the Central Coastal Region of Oaxaca, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the economic situation of artisans, since it affected the influx of tourism and sales that traditionally take place face-to-face, giving artisans the opportunity to communicate their emotions and the meaning of their symbols and colors in their work to the final customer. Based on qualitative research through the methodology of ethnography and the semantic differential technique, the context and production systems of indigenous craftswomen are studied to identify the emotions, sensations and symbolic elements that are present in the design and creation of their crafts. Strategies are proposed that allow indigenous craftswomen to venture into e-commerce, contributing to their empowerment in decisión making for the commercialization of their crafts. One of the contributions of this research is the technological tool called Sidisart, with which a database is integrated with the domain of images and key attributes that identify emotions, sensations and symbolic elements of handicrafts. As part of the strategies, it is proposed to consider the database in the emotional design for the innovation of the graphic interface of the electronic commerce of handicraft products and to encourage the emotional interaction that leads to the satisfaction of the final customer.


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How to Cite
Allende-Hernández, O., Morales-Becerra, I., & Reyes-Espinoza, C. (2023). Technological tools for the communication of emotions generated by indigenous crafts. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 22(43), 1-17.


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