Ethical Risks and Reputational Risks. The public relations challenge during the COVID-19 in Peru
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This study aims to examine how public relations professionals in Peru faced ethical and reputational risks and to understand, from their perspectives, how prepared entrepreneurs would be to address reputational risks.
Given the context of the COVID-19 situation, this work justifies its significance as the use of digital tools has permeated all levels of communication, necessitating an understanding of the ethical challenges associated with these tools among communication professionals.
The research employed a basic and non-experimental methodology with a mixed approach at the descriptive level. The survey technique was utilized, and a questionnaire was administered
to 19 participants, thirteen from Lima and six from other regions of the country. ‘Latin American Communication Monitor’ and ‘The Global PR & Communication Model,’ 2021, served as references. Both reports employed a questionnaire to communication professionals in countries such as Peru, aiming to explore various topics, including ethical challenges and resources in communication, as well as reputation management and reputational risks. The results confirm that ethical values prevail in their professional roles, while reputational risks may not necessarily be considered by entrepreneurs. It is concluded that there is a need for greater dissemination of ethical guidelines within organizations, and entrepreneurs require increased awareness to safeguard their corporate reputation.
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