Corporate Reputation Management in social networks. Analysis of four family compensation funds in Colombia

Laura Bustamante Riaño | Bio
Universidad de La Sabana
Jaime Alberto Orozco Toro
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Virginia Moreno Echeverry | Bio
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


Corporate reputation has emerged as one of the most prominent intangibles in the business realm, providing companies with the skill to manage their brands and optimize procedures related to building connections and generating trust among their various stakeholders. This study conducts an analysis of the concept of corporate reputation in the online environment, establishing intrinsic connections with corporate image and identity. From a methodological perspective, the investigative approach is rooted in the analysis of social networks, using the tool Fanpage Karma.
With the aim of identifying how family compensation funds in Colombia manage corporate reputation and how processes of dialogue with their stakeholder groups are identified in the online environment. The obtained results highlight the close link between the posts made by these entities and the responses provided by their users. Furthermore, the various reactions prompted by different categories of shared content are discerned, as well as the increase in the number of followers in relation to the effectiveness of each brand’s communicative strategies.
In essence, it can be concluded that the opinions articulated by users, their shared experiences, and the information disseminated about a product or service through social media platforms play a fundamental role in shaping online corporate reputation. This takes on particular relevance in the context of social networks like Facebook, which tend to establish close and emotional connections, providing a more solid bond with users.


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How to Cite
Bustamante Riaño, L., Orozco Toro, J. A., & Moreno Echeverry, V. (2024). Corporate Reputation Management in social networks. Analysis of four family compensation funds in Colombia. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 22(44), 1-30.


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