An Analysis of Changes in Political Collectives’ Imaginaries in the City of Bogotá (Colombia)

Ricardo Arrubla | Bio
Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
Edwin Camilo Saavedra | Bio
Universidad del Área Andina


This article addresses the fundamental structures of imagination in political collectives in the city of Bogotá, understood as a process of rationalizing power and institutional teaching. Objective: to analyze the changes in the political imagination of youth collectives to understand their value attribution in relation to their country’s social reality. Justification: the importance of imagination is highlighted, as it influences the products, relationships, symbols, and aesthetics constructed within the culture, which are part of the meaning given to the social fabric. Methodology: it is a hermeneutic-phenomenological research based on content analysis, carrying out a geo referential tracing of the collectives in the city of Bogotá, followed by in-depth semi-structured interviews. Results: the identified trend in the imagination of political collectives moves within the dialectical dynamic of instituted imagination and instituting imagination, based on two core thoughts: domination and resistance. Conclusions: the imagination of political collectives is conditioned by the subject's instinctual imperatives, in which subjective representations are explained as a response to the objective environment. In this case, the coercive and repressive measures deployed by the State order generate imaginaries of resistance.


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How to Cite
Arrubla, R., & Saavedra, E. C. (2024). An Analysis of Changes in Political Collectives’ Imaginaries in the City of Bogotá (Colombia) . Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 23(45), 1-20.


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