Effect of nostalgia content with the consumption of streaming platforms

Gerson Jaquin Cristancho Triana | Bio
Universidad ECCI
Alejandra López Díaz | Bio
Universidad ECCI
Erika Julieth Muñoz Merchán | Bio
Universidad ECCI
Geyson Stiven González Camacho | Bio
Universidad ECCI


Television content consumption has undergone significant changes in recent years due to the accelerated momentum of video subscription services on demand or also known as streaming services, which have taken advantage of this impulse to resume the old content, which for some is called nostalgia, which in the Colombian context translates into content related to novels, films and television series produced in the country years ago. In that sense, this research aims to identify if the attitude towards streaming services and nostalgic content influence the intention to purchase these services with nostalgic content, For this, a descriptive study was used as a methodology, with a quantitative approach, and a questionnaire was applied in the digital format to 474 adult men and women with appreciation for the nostalgic content of the city of Bogota. Through a confirmatory factor analysis and a causal model using the boobstrapping technique, 4 of the 5 hypotheses proposed were verified. The results indicate that the attitude towards a streaming services platform does not directly influence the subscription intention if they have nostalgia content, while the attitude towards nostalgia content and the influence towards consuming this content does affect the consumption intention. The study becomes a relevant input to understand the dynamics of consumption of streaming services in the Latin American context.


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How to Cite
Cristancho Triana, G. J., López Díaz, A., Muñoz Merchán, E. J., & González Camacho, G. S. (2024). Effect of nostalgia content with the consumption of streaming platforms. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 22(44), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v22n44a08


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