Mass Media and Digital Media: Remassification and Internetization: Remassification and Internetization

Remassification and Internetization

Patricio Dugnani | Bio
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


It is intended to observe in this article how the replacement of the hegemony of the mass media by digital media would be producing, instead of valuing the diversity of information, a remassification of contents: internetization. In this way, the human enlightenment and freedom promised by the technology revolution, it seems that it is just recreating the process of Cultural Industry and massification. For this reflection, concepts from the Theory of Media will be used, opposed by the ideas of the Frankfurt School. Although they are theories of different positions and policies, it is hoped that the opposition of these very antithetical thoughts can develop a reflection that points to the synthesis of the question that populates Late Modernity: is the massification process remaining in a past where the means of mass communication were hegemonic, or does the age of digital media still maintain this current process? Thus, from an exploratory research and based on a theoretical survey, it is intended to observe, from a functionalist view, that digital media seemed to indicate a revolution in communication processes, however, when observed through the bias of Theory Criticism of the Frankfurt School, the effects of alienation and massification seem to remain the same. Finally, Michel Foucault’s Archeology of Knowledge method, updated by Giorgio Agamben, in his book Signatura Rerun, added to Marshall McLuhan’s Theory of Means, opposed by the critical view of the Frankfurt School will be the method used for this reflection


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How to Cite
Dugnani, P. (2024). Mass Media and Digital Media: Remassification and Internetization. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 22(44), 1-13.


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