Venezuelan Migrations in Brazil from the Perspective of Interculturality and the Nation-State: An Analysis of the Documentary Roraima - Terra de Acolhimento

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Anderson Danilo Cardoso Caldas
José Tarcisio Silva Oliveira Filho


This article aimed to analyze the documentary Roraima: Terra de Acolhimento, produced by the official broadcaster of the Roraima Legislative Assembly (tv ale-rr), in Brazil, from an intercultural perspective. The documentary’s narrative shows the reception efforts on the Brazil-Venezuela border, as part of a social event marked by an exponential increase in human mobility. In addition to the bibliographical and documentary research on key concepts, such as interculturality, nation-State, and official broadcasting, the methodology develops a proposal for audiovisual analysis of journalism practiced in border regions, creating six indicators, which operate as questions with the aim of reflecting on potential deconstructions of collective representations that permeate the theme of migration. These indicators relate to the inclusion of immigrants in the narrative, the presence of intercultural aspects and meanings linked to the imagined community and nationalism/patriotism, the provision of different views on the phenomenon, among others. About the main results of the analysis, it was identified that the documentary has an official approach to Venezuelan migrations in Brazil, adopting a patriotic and even nationalist discourse, both in the construction of the narrative and in the images and frames chosen, contributing little to the visibility of the intercultural processes that make up migratory movements. As a conclusion, the public nature of tv ale-rr is questioned, mainly due to the simplification of the event covered, essentializing its complexities even in the face of the potential arising from the documentary format.

How to Cite
Caldas, A. D. C., & Filho, J. T. S. O. (2024). Venezuelan Migrations in Brazil from the Perspective of Interculturality and the Nation-State: An Analysis of the Documentary Roraima - Terra de Acolhimento : . Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 23(46), 1–20.

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Author Biographies

Anderson Danilo Cardoso Caldas, Federal UNiversity of Roraima

Journalist. Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Roraima.

José Tarcisio Silva Oliveira Filho, Federal University of Roraima

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and the Journalism Course at the Federal University of Roraima. PhD in Communication from the Federal University of Minas Gerais