Media Ownership Types. A State of the Art

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José Raúl Gallego Ramos


This article aims to present a state of art on the different modalities of media property recognized in the scientific literature. As a result of the media concentration processes that have been experienced in recent decades and the emergence of laws that regulate this aspect, the study of forms of media ownership has become an important issue for the field of Communication by the influence of property on the quality of journalism and democracy. However, many investigations suffer from theoretical vagueness, the little problematization of the category, terminological collisions, and many works dedicated to summarizing and systematizing the different modalities of media ownership today. The methodology used to construct the state of the question presented here was the bibliographic-documentary review. The analysis of research generated in different areas of the field of Communication made it possible to identify and recover the basic features of the forms of media property characterized in this article. Hence, the main value of this study lies in gathering, systematizing, and characterizing, based on six standardized dimensions, the nine main forms of property under which the media operate: individual private, collective private, non-profit foundations, cooperative, non-profit media organizations, community, political organizations, and civil, public, and state-society.

How to Cite
Gallego Ramos, J. R. (2021). Media Ownership Types. A State of the Art. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 20(39), 197–221.

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Author Biography

José Raúl Gallego Ramos, Universidad Iberoamericana

Maestro en Comunicación. Estudiante del doctorado en Comunicación de la Universidad Iberoamericana, México. País de procedencia: Cuba.