Seasonality of expense in health in Colombia, 2011-2015

Óscar Andrés Espinosa Acuña | Bio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Daniel Andrés Pinzón Fonseca | Bio
Superintendencia de Salud


This article evaluates whether or not there was seasonality in the aggregate expense in health in Colombia between 2011 and 2015. For this purpose, expense in health is built from the financial accounts of healthcare service companies (contributory and subsidized regimes) on a quarterly basis. Then, different statistical analysis techniques are applied in order to determine if there is seasonality: i) Graphic method and growth rates; ii) correlograms; iii) Kendall non-parametric contrast; iv) multiple regression analysis with inclusion of seasonal dummies; and v) Adjustment of self-regressive integrated processes of seasonal mobile media. Results show the existence of statistically significant seasonality only for expense in health, performed by healthcare service companies (subsidized regime), especially during the fourth quarter (October-December) each year.


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How to Cite
Espinosa Acuña, Óscar A., & Pinzón Fonseca, D. A. (2018). Seasonality of expense in health in Colombia, 2011-2015. Semestre Económico, 20(44), 137-158.


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