Informal sales in the public space in Villavicencio (Colombia)

Edisson Stiven Castro Escobar | Bio
Universidad de Manizales
Duván Emilio Ramírez Ospina | Bio
Universidad de Manizales
Héctor Mauricio Serna Gómez | Bio
Universidad de Manizales


This paper aims to characterize the labor informality of street vendors and stable vendors located in the public space of the downtown area of Villavicencio (Colombia) during 2016. In order to achieve this, a cartographic survey of the locations where the informal vendors are located and a decibel noise sampling using the Decibel 10ht® application were carried out. In addition, the vendors’ profile was identified through participatory observation and semi - structured interviews. The results show a process of spatial clustering, determined by location in pedestrian ways, intersections and accesses to crowded places. Product specialization was observed, associated with the structure of formal trade.


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How to Cite
Castro Escobar, E. S., Ramírez Ospina, D. E., & Serna Gómez, H. M. (2016). Informal sales in the public space in Villavicencio (Colombia). Semestre Económico, 21(46), 141-166.


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