Medidas de economía de bienestar que destruyen empleo en la economía digital

Antonio Sánchez-Bayón | Bio
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


This is a critical and comparative study of Political Economy, made from Global Economy and Inter-cultural Management approaches, in which the fundaments are reviewed and veils of confusion are taken away. This study starts off from the COVID-19 crisis, which has been an accelerator of the digital transition and the work transformation. The polarization between the two types of collaborators, the knowmadsy and the freeriders, has grown and are still lacking off an adequate regulation, thus pretending to make them fit in obsolete
categories. Some traditional (protectionist) economic measures are being applied by Governments like the minimum wage, aggravating the problem (with a negative cascading effect). With this study, the research pretends to raise an alert on the risk of an abrupt collapse of the deciduous Welfare State economy, so that the digital transition and its work relationships are not stopped but carried out timely and peacefully.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Bayón, A. (2020). Medidas de economía de bienestar que destruyen empleo en la economía digital. Semestre Económico, 23(55), 87-112.


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