Testbed for Sub-Nyquist Wideband Spectrum Monitoring

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Juan Felipe Medina Lee
Alexander López-Parrado
Alexander Vera Tasamá
Duvier de Jesús Bohórquez Palacio


Radioelectric spectrum management is a concern for today’s world, mainly due to the misuse that has been given to this resource through the years, especially on the UHF band. To address this problem, a testbed for sub-Nyquist Wideband Spectrum Monitoring was built, that includes a web interface to remotely measure occupancy of the UHF band.

To achieve the above, an RF interface that allows tuning UHF frequencies with an instantaneous bandwidth of 95 MHz was built. Afterwards, a Random Demodulator was connected, and then an embedded system performed sub--Nyquist sampling and spectrum recovery. The embedded system connected to an information system that serves a web page, through which remote users can perform UHF band monitoring.

Experimental results showed that spectrum sensing can be achieved by using different algorithms on certain sparse spectra. In addition, the aforementioned web interface allowed simultaneous user connections, in order to perform independent measurements by sharing a hardware subsystem.

How to Cite
Medina Lee, J. F., López-Parrado, A., Vera Tasamá, A., & Bohórquez Palacio, D. de J. (2019). Testbed for Sub-Nyquist Wideband Spectrum Monitoring. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 19(37), 35–58. https://doi.org/10.22395/rium.v19n37a2

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Author Biographies

Juan Felipe Medina Lee, Universidad del Quindío

Ingeniero electrónico (Universidad del Quindío) y magíster en ingeniería con énfasis en electrónica (Universidad del Valle).

Alexander López-Parrado, Universidad del Quindío

Ingeniero electrónico (Universidad del Quindío), magíster en ingeniería electrónica (Universidad del Valle) y doctor en ingeniería (Universidad del Valle). Áreas de investigación: procesamiento digital de señales, telecomunicaciones, computación de alto rendimiento.

Alexander Vera Tasamá, Universidad del Quindío

Ingeniero electrónico y especialista en radiocomunicaciones (Universidad del Quindío). Doctor en Ingeniería
electrónica (Universidad del Valle).

Duvier de Jesús Bohórquez Palacio, Universidad del Quindío

Ingeniero Electrónico, Universidad del Quindío (2020)

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