Evaluation of The Performance of Soil/Construction Waste Mixtures as an Alternative for The Improvement of Low Traffic Volume Road Subgrades

Ana Milena Castrillon Rodriguez | Bio
Cesar Augusto Hidalgo Montoya | Bio


Although they are of great economic importance for the communities, rural roads can generally be considered low traffic volume (LTV) roads, which makes their paving difficult to make financially feasible. As a result, most of these roads are unpaved, causing traffic difficulties, particularly during the rainy season. On the other hand, construction and demolition waste ( ) is an environmental problem in cities; its use in road construction has been identified as an alternative for its final disposal. The purpose of this research was to evaluate an alternative for use in low traffic volume roads as a material for the improvement of pavement subgrades. Specifically, the use of waste from brick masonry construction (WBMC) or demolition was evaluated. A technical and economic evaluation was carried out, for which pavement designs were made by adding between 10 and 40 % of WBMCL and residual soil in determined proportions and compared with conventional pavement designs using granular materials from quarry exploitation. The same traffic conditions, subgrade soils and design methodologies were used for all designs. The results obtained show that the use of WBMC mixed with soil as a subgrade improvement results in reductions in pavement granular layer thicknesses that can make it possible to dispense with the granular subbase layer with the respective economic and environmental benefits.


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How to Cite
Castrillon Rodriguez, A. M., & Hidalgo Montoya, C. A. (2022). Evaluation of The Performance of Soil/Construction Waste Mixtures as an Alternative for The Improvement of Low Traffic Volume Road Subgrades. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 21(41), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.22395/rium.v21n41a6


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