Characterization of information systems for primary health care

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Helder Yesid Castrillón Cobo
Álvaro Rendón Gallón
Norman Giovanni Apráez Ippolito


Information Systems play a relevant role for primary health care in policy orientation and attention of users needs; therefore, criteria and mechanisms are required to establish whether in a specific strategy implementation, they provide adequate support. In this paper, a characterization of Information Systems that support primary health care, based on the model of community-oriented primary care is presented. A set of essential characteristics that the Information Systems should offer to support the primary health care was identified, with which it is possible to establish the aspects that require intervention to improve their support for strategy implementation . On the basis of the obtained characterization, the development of a methodology which will allow a more formalized evaluation is under construction.

How to Cite
Castrillón Cobo, H. Y., Rendón Gallón, Álvaro, & Apráez Ippolito, N. G. (2019). Characterization of information systems for primary health care. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 18(34), 141–164.

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Author Biographies

Helder Yesid Castrillón Cobo, Universidad del Cauca

Electronic Engineer, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Ph.D. student in Telematics Engineering. Member of the Telematics Engineering Group, Universidad del Cauca, Calle 5 No. 4-70, Popayán, Colombia. Tel. (572) 820 9800 ext. 2128. e-mail:

Álvaro Rendón Gallón, Universidad del Cauca

Electronic and Telecommunications Engineer, M.Sc. in Telematics, Ph.D. in Telecomunications Engineering.
Professor and member of the Telematics Engineering Group, Universidad del Cauca. E-mail: Orcid:

Norman Giovanni Apráez Ippolito, Secretaría Departamental de Salud del Cauca

Doctor, M.Sc. in Public Health, Ph.D. in Public Health. Professor, Department of Public Health, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Environmental Sanitation, Departmental Secretariat of Health of
Cauca. E-mail: Orcid:

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