Brief considerations mistanásia and Hospital case University of Evangelical Curitiba - PR, Brazil

Gisele Mendes de Carvalho | Bio
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Rodrigo Róger Saldanha | Bio
Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Larissa Yukie Couto Munekata | Bio
Universidade Estadual de Maringá


Too often, health professionals are found limited in continuing the treatment of their patients due to structural conditions of public hospitals, as the number of beds, quality of hospital supplies, training of own public professionals, among others. In this sense,
the work aims to present the neglect of the rights of personality and fundamental principles in the Brazilian public health system, pointing out the need for public policies to improve the - SUS, more precisely in the failure of its system, taking as example the
trivialization of life by a doctor at the Evangelical Hospital in Curitiba - PR. With this example, also sought to present the true meaning of euthanasia, and its evolution in human history, differentiating the practice that took place in the Evangelical Hospital in Curitiba, which was presented by the worldwide media as the euthanasia case in Brazil. The approach to the subject is of paramount importance to bioethics, because aims to enable better reflection on the problem and possible solutions.

How to Cite
Mendes de Carvalho, G., Saldanha, R. R., & Couto Munekata, L. Y. (2016). Brief considerations mistanásia and Hospital case University of Evangelical Curitiba - PR, Brazil. Opinión Jurídica, 15(29), 223-242.


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