Technologies as New Threats to Human Rights and the Possible Tutelage of Law

Francieli Puntel Raminelli
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brasil


New technologies facilitate and contribute to the individual’s life in society, but, at the same time, they can present risks of violation of rights. Among the benefits and harms brought about by new technologies, especially the internet, is the Law, which, with great difficulty, seeks a way to regulate cyberspace. For this reason, we sought to answer the following question: given the context created by the relationship between new technologies and the possible risks they pose to Human Rights, what are the alternatives that exist today in the search for a regulation of cyberspace? The objective was to contextualize the existing relationship between new technologies and human rights, to present at what points they pose a risk to existing rights and to those known as “new rights” and, finally, to present how the Law is moving towards resolving these difficulties. We used the deductive approach method, with bibliographic and documentary research techniques. It is concluded that, today, there is no robust enough alternative for a satisfactory regulation of cyberspace, but the need for a system to be built at an international level is evident.


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How to Cite
Puntel Raminelli, F. (2022). Technologies as New Threats to Human Rights and the Possible Tutelage of Law. Opinión Jurídica, 20(43), 598-614.


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