Iran: a Justified Villain?

Gabriela Aguado Romero | Bio
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Luis Gabriel Moreno Rodríguez
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


The present work is based on a study of historical analysis and political opinion that was able to understand the change in international relations between Iran and the United States, this was achieved by applying the methodological rigor of an analytical study, based on the theory of realism of a historically antagonistic context. Everytime we think about the Middle East, the first things that come to our minds are images of war, terrorism and conflicts between countries and ethnic groups. This is because the situation of conflict in the region hasn´t stop, due to the confrontation of two nations. The first and most known is Israel, since it was founded, Israel fights to survive against terrorist groups and other countries, the second one is Iran, since 1979 it heads the list of being the biggest and most staunch enemy of Israel, United States and other Western powers. The Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia and China, are the most antagonic countries by excellence of the West. Iran provides support to Israel’s enemies and it is the country that most harshly combats Western interference in the Middle East, but we always leave aside the motives why Iran changed from being one of the biggest allies of West to being the biggest villain and rival. This motives can be religious, politics, territory or even economical.


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How to Cite
Aguado Romero, G., & Moreno Rodríguez, L. G. (2023). Iran: a Justified Villain?. Opinión Jurídica, 22(47), 1-20.


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