Courtesy on the Internet. Presentation of a Multidisciplinary Guide About the Netiquette

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Inmaculada Martín-Herrera


The objective of this work is to carry out a documentary review around the netiquette concept, with the intention of delving into the phenomenon and preparing a complete and updated compilation of the rules that govern courtesy in digital communications. The interest of the topic addressed is justified by taking into account that the configuration of polite and safe environments on the Internet depends on behavior in online channels. For this reason, the knowledge and application of a specific protocol for cyberspace is convenient. Regarding the methodology, a subjective categorization, based on the localized rules, is added to the literary review. So this netiquette has been studied based on two classification criteria: some thematic dimensions, related to kindness, time management and legality; and its specific application in platforms and tools of daily use. Likewise, this action protocol has been graphically represented on the Internet, with the intention that these diagrams contribute to its rapid consultation and assimilation. The result is a multidisciplinary guide that can be applied and used as reference material in different environments: personal or labor relations, education, electronic commerce or research. The conclusions determine the multidisciplinary nature of netiquette, the specificity of these rules depending on the type of platform and the convenience of revising these rules, since the permanent technological innovation and the changing profile of digital audiences entail the need for a new netiquette

How to Cite
Martín-Herrera, I. (2023). Courtesy on the Internet. Presentation of a Multidisciplinary Guide About the Netiquette. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 21(42), 1–22.

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