Representation of Women on Facebook: Stereotypes and Digital Communication in Online Publications

Carlos Villanueva Valadez | Bio
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Diana Carolina García Mata | Bio
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


This recent research focused on examining gender representations and stereotypes in publications by various brands on Facebook. Given the growing impact of digital advertising communication on collective perception, it is crucial to unravel how gender stereotypes are delineated and reinforced, and the reach of their influence on socialization in highly digitized contexts. For this purpose, an analysis framework supported by 15 determined indicators was designed to evaluate gender constructions in the publications. The analyzed set included 316 publications, with an emphasis on the dynamics between stereotypes, product categories, gender roles, and both symbolic and contextual elements. Findings suggested marked discrepancies in gender representation. Specifically, the consolidation of conventional stereotypes was confirmed, with a particular emphasis on female figures. Notably, in areas such as food, appliances, and fashion, these representations are intensely correlated with certain physical traits. Despite traces of evolution in such representations, which might hint at changes in current social roles, the dominance of ancestral stereotypes is evident. These constructions significantly impact the collective imagination, reinforcing gender inequalities. This research work highlights the need to adjust digital content, and bestows a fundamental responsibility on brands and online entities in this context. Also, it urges diversifying research to include various platforms and broader data sets.


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How to Cite
Villanueva Valadez, C., & García Mata, D. C. (2024). Representation of Women on Facebook: Stereotypes and Digital Communication in Online Publications . Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 23(45), 1-15.


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