Des-winged goddess. The body as space and shifted his narrative interpretation

Lucrecia Piedrahíta Orrego | Bio
Universidad EAFIT


In Colombia, due to the war for the territory and to violence, thousands of communities are submitted to forced displacements: this uncontrollable force which today, dislocates, expulses, de-situates millions of people from their spaces and submits them to the dictatorship of intolerance.

In the text, The De-winged Goddess, the body is analyzed as a space and the problem of forced displacements is approached from an esthetical and communicational perspec­tive. In the body expressions of the displaced person, there is a projective representation of his story, of his silent duels, the uncertainty that marks him, the problematic which in essence has restricted his liberty, and of the independence to be decided upon.

How to Cite
Piedrahíta Orrego, L. (1). Des-winged goddess. The body as space and shifted his narrative interpretation. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 2(3), 15-24. Retrieved from


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