Marcelo Solon Xavier dos Santos | Biografía
Universidade Federal do Pará
Marcelo Bentes Diniz Diniz | Biografía
Universidad Federal de Pará


The main objective of this article is to analyze the corruption in the educational sector in Brazil. To meet this objective, an index of corruption in education was developed for Brazilian municipalities and from this its determinants were verified in an econometric model, with the explanatory variables arranged in four dimensions: (i) institutional; (ii) administrative and public management; (iii) public transparency, and (iv) geographic, economic, and social. The main data reference used was the Reports of the Municipal Inspection Program of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU). Among the main empirical evidence found, the hypothesis is corroborated that municipalities with a lower level of development and education and, therefore, with more deficient social control are the most vulnerable to the occurrence of irregularities with public resources. On the other hand, the results obtained confirm the importance of promoting transparency in public management as a mechanism to inhibit corruption and as a tool to help controlling it.


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Cómo citar
dos Santos, M. S. X., & Diniz, M. B. D. (2024). DETERMINANTES DE LA CORRUPCIÓN MUNICIPAL EN EL SECTOR EDUCATIVO BRASILEÑO ENTRE 2011 Y 2014. Semestre Económico, 27(62), 1-39.


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