Pertinencia de la cultura paisa en la administración de empresas

Humberto González González | Bio


These comments pretend to indícate that, nowadays in this uncertain and turbulent world of business and of the enterprises that nourish it, it is not a condition enough to have some values coming from a mining and a trading culture, which is pertinent in a parochial economy, but rather it is necessary to shape the Antioquian entrepreneurs with attitudes based on the ethics of commitment (not on the cieating of the counterpart), on the discipline which thinking gives out on the long run (and not on the immediate easy profit), on planning (and not on improvising), on trust (and not on the non-fulfillment of the acquired commitments).

Logically, it is important to be smart and have zeal for business, not in the individualistic way –so common among our people–, but rather to leam how to work in a team in order to upfront internatiDnal business rivals, who live with discipline, knowledge and planning routines.

It is about seeking the quality of our products in order to gradually come out of the agricultural economy and transit with greater paces towards the industries; but ñor committing the mistake of staying in the generation of the kind of enterprises with very reduced complexity, producing very elemental typological consumption ends (brooms, brown-sugar loaves, fried dough, etc.).

In this task of transforming, in which the Antioquian Ethcs is to be changed, the State should play a main role setting clear rules and precise demands.


VILLAMIZAR A., Rodrigo y Juan Carlos Mondragón A. (1995). Zenshin. Lecciones de los países del Asia - Pacífico en tecnología, productividad y competitividad. Editorial Grupo editorial Norma, Bogotá.

DRUCKER, RE. (2002). La Gerencia en la Sociedad Futura. Editorial Grupo Editorial Norma, Bogotá.
How to Cite
González González, H. (2015). Pertinencia de la cultura paisa en la administración de empresas. Semestre Económico, 6(12). Retrieved from


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