La concentración industrial en Colombia: Determinantes de la movilidad y el desempeño empresarial

Mauricio Herrera Madrid | Bio
Gustavo Adolfo Ortega Oliveros | Bio


In Colombia, although for over a decade already, debates continué over the effects of open economy as a strategy that has influenced the country–s productive structure, the lack of knowledge on its advantages and disadvantages, as an industrial strategy enhancing competition ; is undeniable.

This article, which seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the structure and organization of markets, as well as the strategic behavior of the involved agents, consists of three parts. The first one addresses the theoretical issues enclosed around the research over the enterprise mobility, its determinants, the ways to entering a market, and industrial concentration; while in the second part, an approach to the Colombian case of enterprise mobility is carried out, for each one of the industrial classes, and its influence on generating employment. Finally, the most relevant conclusions of this paper are synthesized.


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How to Cite
Herrera Madrid, M., & Ortega Oliveros, G. A. (2015). La concentración industrial en Colombia: Determinantes de la movilidad y el desempeño empresarial. Semestre Económico, 6(12). Retrieved from


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