Economía del desarrollo sostenible: propuestas y limitaciones de la teoría neoclásica

Francisco Correa Restrepo | Bio


The worry over interiorizing the degradation of the environment and the draining of the natural resources is nothing new. In fact, nowadays, the interest goes way beyond the conservation of the environment. At the core of the environmental problem lies the way through which society–s sustained economy is being obtained. In this sense, this article aims at describing the paths followed by the Neo-classical Economy to approach the analysis and management of the environment and the natural resources. Likewise, this paper expounds the criticism which the school of Ecological Economy discloses against the neo-classical economical analysis; and it examines the concepts of weak sustainability and strong sustainability and, finally, it takes into consideration some of the operative proposals to approach the problem of long-term sustainability of the economical development.


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How to Cite
Correa Restrepo, F. (2015). Economía del desarrollo sostenible: propuestas y limitaciones de la teoría neoclásica. Semestre Económico, 6(12). Retrieved from


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