Fiscal Federalism

Luis Felipe Jaramillo De los Ríos | Bio


n Colombia actually, la discused the fiscal poliacy matins emphasis on the taxes and the topics such an rates, enstitucion, fiscal policy amorg othrs.

¿That is not only a topic of the structural reform to ¿impositive sistem? Those is also the pensional reform for the local and National Governments and transfers from the central Government to local Government.

This articule is based on the study of the Structural reform to ¿impositive sistem? Those is also the pensional reform for the local and National Govermensts and transfers from the central government to local government.

This article is based on the study of the argentinas pecuniary sistem, specially on the transfer system,at the frane of the XXX jornally de finanzas publicas at the universidad de la plata. This article concens timer diferents wans and judgement about the transfer from the central Governments to local Governments.


GUTIÉRREZ LONDOÑO, Alfonso, ESCOBAR GALLO, Heriberto y GUTIÉRREZ LONDOÑO, Eber. Hacienda Pública. Un enfoque económico. Medellín: marzo de 2000.

RESTREPO, Juan Camilo. Nuevos rumbos para la descentralización. Santefé de Bogotá: Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público, 2000.

ROCHA, Sebastian, ICOBUCCIBARBIERI,, Nelly. Análisis de la distribución de la copartición. XXX Jornadas de Finanzas Públicas. Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina, 1997.
How to Cite
Jaramillo De los Ríos, L. F. (2015). Fiscal Federalism. Semestre Económico, 4(8). Retrieved from


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