Juan Miguel Saldarriaga Díaz | Bio
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, UPB
Claudia Vélez Zapata | Bio
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, UPB
Gabriel Betancur Ramírez | Bio
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, UPB


The main objective of this article is to identify marketing strategies used by street sellers in the city of Medellin. In order to reach this objective a structured observation was required for exchange practices,
their relation with the popular economy and the difference between micro business and informality. The main finding of this research was that the intuitive thinking of the street sellers opens space to marketing
practices. And even though this entrepreneurs don´t count with academic education, their intuition allows them to develop actions that become a marketing process

How to Cite
Saldarriaga Díaz, J. M., Vélez Zapata, C., & Betancur Ramírez, G. (1). STREET SELLERS MARKETING STRATEGIES. Semestre Económico, 19(39), 155-172.


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