Influence of individual socio-demographic characteristics in business creation in Perú

Juan León Mendoza | Bio
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y Universidad Nacional del Callao


This article evaluates if socio-demographic characteristics have an influence in business creation or entrepreneurship in Peru. Using the information of the National Household Life Conditions and Poverty, carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, econometric models are estimated in order to establish the probability of an individual creating a business according to their socio-demographic characteristics and the Peruvian region they belong to. Results show that the probability of creating a new business can be positively or negatively affected due to social and demography particularities of the individual. Between the factors that can increase the probability of being and entrepreneur, the following stand out: being employed (33.8%) and being head of household (21.4%); while having higher education (–11.0%) and being a man (–3.2%) reduce this possibility.


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How to Cite
León Mendoza, J. (2015). Influence of individual socio-demographic characteristics in business creation in Perú. Semestre Económico, 20(43), 37-60.


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