Introduction Interpreting a complex process: the cycle of governments of kirchnerism in Argentina

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Victor Ramiro Fernández
Martín Schorr


At the start of the present century, a scenario was formed in Latin America in answer to neoliberal projects, which were disseminated strongly during the domination
period of economic and institutional strategies associated with the Washington Consensus. Since then, on the grounds of what some called 'The Pink Tide' (Marea
rosa), a group of governments in the region converged on reinstating the idea of promoting projects inspired by greater national autonomy and, to achieve that, in
the strengthening of internal markets and a renewed state intervention, appealing in many cases to renationalization processes and, in practically all of those governments, to redistribution of income policies through public spending. By the year 2010, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela had governments that shared these features, beyond the specificity of their experiences.

How to Cite
Fernández, V. R., & Schorr, M. (2016). Introduction: Interpreting a complex process: the cycle of governments of kirchnerism in Argentina. Semestre Económico, 21(47). Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

Victor Ramiro Fernández, Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Abogado, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina. Master en Ciencias Sociales
(Orientación Sociología), Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Doctor en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España. Director del Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral (IHuCSo Litoral), Santa Fe, Argentina. Profesor de la Facultad de
Humanidades y Ciencias (FHUC), Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina. Dirección: Pedro
Díaz Colodrero 2462 (CP: 3000). Teléfono: +54 (0342) 4575140. Correo electrónico:

Martín Schorr, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en sociología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Magíster en sociología económica, Universidad Nacional General San Martín, San Martín, Argentina. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales,
Flacso. Investigador del Idaes-Conicet y docente en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Dirección: Av. Pres. Roque
Sáenz Peña 832, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, C1035AAQ, TE. Teléfono: +54 9 11 4794-1293.
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