Global value chains: a bibliographical review

Javier Pérez Ibáñez | Bio
Universidad Nacional de San Martín


During the last thirty years, production of goods and services has undergone a relocation and
fragmentation process worldwide. This new phase of productive organization was called global
value chains. The studies framed in this theoretical framework focused on economic development
(Upgrading) and the government of these chains (governance). The objective of this article is to
systematize how global value chains have been studied to identify potential contributions of such
theory to the understanding of this new phase of productive development. To achieve this purpose,
academic publications from public institutions and study centers were analyzed. As a result, a deep
state of the art on the subject was obtained.


Cardeillac, Joaquín. (2013). Sobre Cadenas Globales de Valor. Documento de trabajo n.° 88. Montevideo: Universidad de la República, 14 p.
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Gereffi, Gary; Humphrey, John y Sturgeon, Timothy. (2005). The governance of global value chains. En: Review of International Political Economy, vol. 12, n.° 1, p. 78–104. Doi: 10.1080/09692290500049805
Gereffi, Gary y Sturgeon, Timothy. (2013). Global Value Chain-Oriented Industrial Policy: The Role of Emerging Economies. En: Elms, Deborah y Low, Patrick (Eds.).Global Value Chains in a Changing World. Ginebra: World Trade Organization, p. 329-360.
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Gibbon, Peter; Bair, Jennifer y Ponte, Stefano. (2008). Governing Global Value Chains: An Introduction. En: Economy and Society, vol. 37, n.° 3, p. 315–338. Doi:
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Hopkins, Terence y Wallerstein, Immanuel. (1986). Commodity Chains in the World-Economy Prior to 1800. En: Review (Fernand Braudel Center), vol. 10, n.o 1, p. 157–170.
Humphrey, John y Schmitz, Hubert. (2002). How Does Insertion in Global Value Chains Affect Upgrading in Industrial Clusters? En: Regional Studies, vol. 36, n.o 9, p. 1017-1027. Doi:
Milberg, William y Winkler, Deborah. (2013). Outsourcing Economics: Global Value Chains in Capitalist Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 376 p.
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Porta, Fernando; Santarcángelo, Juan y Schteingart, Daniel. (2017). Cadenas globales de valor y desarrollo económico. En: Economía y Desafíos del Desarrollo, vol. 1, n.° 1, p. 28-46.
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Velázquez, Marisol y Tenorio, Alejandra. (2017). Cadenas globales de valor: una propuesta metodológica para el análisis de encadenamientos cafetaleros en México. En: Perspectivas Rurales. Nueva Época, vol. 15, n.o 29, p. 13–41.
How to Cite
Pérez Ibáñez, J. (2019). Global value chains: a bibliographical review. Semestre Económico, 22(51), 63-81.


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