Performing arts attendance in colombia: microeconomic analysis using sample selection models

Nora Espinal Monsalve | Bio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Andrey Ramos Ramirez | Bio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Isabel Balbín Espinal | Bio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


In this paper we analyze the determinants of attendance and frequency of attendance to performing arts in Colombia. Using data from the Cultural Consumption Survey in 2014 we estimate Heckman selection models for ordered dependent variable which remove the selection bias that arise when we model the two dependent variables independently. Results indicate that the accumulation of cultural capital and time constraints are the main determinants of the consumption of this activity in Colombia.


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How to Cite
Espinal Monsalve, N., Ramos Ramirez, A., & Balbín Espinal, I. (2020). Performing arts attendance in colombia: microeconomic analysis using sample selection models. Semestre Económico, 23(55), 139-159.


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