Challenges of the Colombian Financial System in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Sergio Andrés Martínez Jiménez | Bio


The financial sector is undergoing important transformations that originate from the implementation of new technologies. The word "digital" is gaining more and more importance in this sector and there are many challenges that this new reality generates. The objective of this article is to analyse the challenges of the Colombian financial system in the fourth revolution, in order to strengthen the recognition and understanding of these in organizational management. This study was supported by an analytical review of the literature using scientific databases and unconventional literature (industry documents other than scientific databases). Referring to the fourth revolution, not only implies talking about the technologies that people identify it with such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, process automation or cloud computing, among others, but also about the challenges related to the interaction of a client which is more informed and hyper-connected, with the adoption and transformation of an organizational culture focused on innovation and new skills of employees. Finally, challenges associated with the comprehensive management of risks related to cyber-attacks, model, regulatory and supplier risks.


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How to Cite
Martínez Jiménez, S. A. (2021). Challenges of the Colombian Financial System in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Semestre Económico, 24(56), 253-270.


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