Estimación de los efectos de las habilidades e intensidad en el uso de las TIC en el desempeño académico

John Ariza | Bio
Universidad del Tolima
Karen Reinoso | Bio
Universidad del Tolima


In this paper we study the effect of intensity in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the academic performance of 15-year-old students using the PISA 2018 international test database. Based on a quantile regression model and considering differential in the skill level in the management of ICT, we estimate the effect of the intensity of its use in school and at home on different parts of the distribution of skills in the areas of reading and mathematics. Results suggest differential effects of the intensity of use on academic performance according to the place of access and with the level of ICT skills. Students with low and medium ICT proficiency levels show ne


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How to Cite
Ariza, J., & Reinoso, K. (2023). Estimación de los efectos de las habilidades e intensidad en el uso de las TIC en el desempeño académico. Semestre Económico, 25(59), 1-20.


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