Evolution of the total productivity of the factors in the manufacturing industry of The Coffee Area for the period 2005-2019

Nicolás Restrepo-Carvajal | Bio
Universidad del Quindío
Daniel Steven Aguirre-Peña | Bio
Universidad del Quindío
Diego Alejandro Manrique-Cabezas | Bio
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Carlos Evelio López-Ceballos | Bio
Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca


This study describes the evolution of multifactorial productivity in the manufacturing sector of the Colombian coffee region (Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío) in the period 2005-2019 through a panel of microdata obtained from the Annual Manufacturing Survey (EAM). To meet the objective, the methodology proposed is used to correct simultaneity biases, using the demand for intermediate inputs as a proxy for productivity and gross capital formation, in addition to real wages to estimate the functions of production by departments that make up the coffee axis. The results suggest that productivity in the department of Quindío has had an unfavorable behavior with respect to Caldas and Risaralda in the aggregate sphere, which may be the consequence of a heterogeneous industrial composition between the departments of the coffee region, where the added value tends to concentrate on areas of intensive industrial activity in physical and human capital such as Caldas and Risaralda. On the other hand, the findings at the firm level show that there is a dissimilar behavior between Caldas, where large companies are more productive, and Quindío, where productivity increases in smaller companies; meanwhile, for Risaralda the results are consistent given the size of the company.


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How to Cite
Restrepo-Carvajal, N., Aguirre-Peña, D. S., Manrique-Cabezas , D. A., & López-Ceballos, C. E. (2023). Evolution of the total productivity of the factors in the manufacturing industry of The Coffee Area for the period 2005-2019. Semestre Económico, 25(59), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.22395/seec.v25n59a4


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