LexRank with threshold to identify EF-ISF navigation patterns in xMOOC of Open edX

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Fabián Andrés Ancona Anacona
Mario Fernando Solarte Sarasty
Gustavo Adolfo Ramírez González


The use of the Open edX platform to offer xMOOC courses by different Universities in the world, has led to a growth in the participation of students in the courses, thus generating a set of navigation patterns when interacting with the xMOOC which are recorded in the tracking.log file. So far there is no study that identifies EF-ISF navigation patterns of the set of patterns, for this reason in this document propose the use of the LexRank with Threshold algorithm for the identification of the EF-ISF navigation patterns.

How to Cite
Ancona Anacona, F. A., Solarte Sarasty, M. F., & Ramírez González, G. A. (2021). LexRank with threshold to identify EF-ISF navigation patterns in xMOOC of Open edX. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 20(39), 85–96. https://doi.org/10.22395/rium.v20n39a5

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