
About the Journal

Semestre Económico Semestre Económico is an open-access journal that focuses on the research of different theoretical and applied topics such as:

  • Macroeconomy and monetary economy
  • International economy
  • Economy and finances
  • Public sector economy
  • Health, education, and welfare economy
  • Labor economy
  • Industrial organization economy
  • Enterprise economy
  • Economic development and growth
  • Environmental and natural resources economy
  • Urban, rural, and regional economy

The journal is intended for the Latin-American specialized scientific community, which includes universities, research centers, and several economic institutions such as Central Banks, State Statistics Centers, and Planning Departments throughout the region.
Anonymous double-blind review.All the articles submitted to the journal are anonymously assessed by two expert reviewers in the field, which are assigned in such a way that neither the author nor the reviewer can know who they are. The decision regarding the publication or dismissal of the article depends on the concept given by the reviewers. The criteria for the assessment of the articles are described in the article assessment format. The Editorial Committee will timely inform the authors of the results.

In case of fraud.Plagiarism or fraud might occur in different grades: direct copy of a text without quotations or referencing the source adequately, modification of some words in a text for making it seem original, paraphrasis, reproduction of texts published by the same author, or insufficient acknowledgments. In those cases, in which the journal ascertains that the authors submitted articles that reproduce parts of other works without their due quotations and referencing, the institution will be informed of the fraud. The same treatment will be employed in those cases in which the fraud would be found after the publication of the article and the journal will remove the article from every space possible.

Articles’ vetting procedure. The procedure for the selection of articles is as follows:
  1. The fulfillment of the requirements stated in the author's guidelines is checked.
  2. If these requirements are not met the article is sent back to its authors for making the necessary corrections.
  3. Once the article complies with all the requirements it is then submitted to the Editorial Committee for the selection of its peer reviewers.
  4. The reviewers are commissioned with guaranteeing the topic's relevance and issue a possibility of publication for the article. In case of having an opposed decision by the reviewers (one recommends its publication and the other one doesn't), a third reviewer is commissioned.
  5. Once the article has been approved for its publication by the reviewers, the Editorial staff of the journal evaluates the editorial quality of the article.
  6. The article is sent back to its author for making the necessary modification or suggested adjustments made by the reviewer or is rejected
  7. 7. Finally, the article is submitted to the preliminary translation, proofreading, layout, and composition processes before its publishing.

The following are the estimated times for the approval process of an article since the second semester of 2018:
  1. Editorial assessment: in this phase, the article is assessed in its pertinence regarding the journal's scope, as well as in its fulfillment of the general and specific requirements that the authors must comply with for submitting their articles. (Length: one week).
  2. Adjustments to the editorial assessment: During this phase, the authors must perform all the adjustments to the editorial assessment. (Length: one week).
  3. Review of the editorial assessment adjustments. (Length: one week).
  4. Call for reviewers: at least 6 possible reviewers are called, which must be specialists in the topic, preferably with a doctorate title, and with two publications on the topic and at least a 2 H Index. (Length: one week).
  5. Peer review: initially, the article is sent to two peer reviewers and the evaluation timeframe will be 2 weeks, if they both approve the process continues. If one accepts and the other one rejects it, the process will employ a third reviewer. In this last scenario, two additional weeks will be employed for the remaining review. (Length: two to four weeks).
  6. Adjustments according to the reviewers’ suggestions: the article is sent to the authors to incorporate the adjustments suggested by the reviewers. (Length: two weeks).
  7. Editor review: once the authors apply the adjustments according to the reviewers’ suggestions, the editor checks the compliance with all the requirements. (Length: one week).
  8. Review of the article for submission to the publishing house: the editor performs the presentation to the journal and makes a final validation of all the articles for submitting them to the publishing house. (Length: one week).
  9. Submission of all the articles to preliminary translations. (Length: two weeks).
  10. Submission of all the articles to proofreading. (Length: two weeks).
  11. Submission of all the articles to layout and composition. (Length: two weeks).
  12. Review of the layout and composition (Length: one week)

Overall, the publication process of an article can take between 4 to 5 months, which depends on the compliance of the timeframes established by each one of the actors involved in the different activities.
The Semestre Económico Económico journal considers for publication research. Review and reflection articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese that are unpublished and that have not been submitted to any other journals and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the economic area.

Article types:

Research articles: this type of article is derived from original research. For this reason, the author’s guidelines require that these articles state the name of the project they are derived from, the entities financing it, the execution period, and the research group the authors belong to. Besides, every article must have a section describing the employed methodology.

Review articles: they must cover topics within the scope of the journal. The review articles generally require the inclusion of at least 50 references and must include a methodology section that describes how the literature was selected.

Reflection articles: Sthey are structured pieces of writing in accordance with the guidelines for authors that must contain preliminaries, introduction, topic development, conclusions, and references. These articles must provide a clear reflection on a topic within the journal’s scope.

  • For all articles, the maximum length is 8.000 words.
  • Research and reflection articles must include a DOI (In case of not having a DOI, please refer to the author’s guidelines).
  • Research articles must have, at least, 15 references.
  • Review articles must have at least 50 references duly cited, while reflection and research must contain at least 15 duly cited references.

Semestre Económico is an open-access journal free of charge to readers and its articles can be reproduced and broadcasted if it complies with the copyright conditions.

The authors can archive the final laid-out version (post-print) with non-commercial purposes, including topic or institutional repositories, or their web pages.


Readers have a right to read all the articles published in the Semestre Económico journal without making any payment.
The Semestre Económico journal adheres to the principles and guidelines established by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), which established the conduct guides and good practices for authors, reviewers, and editors.

Author’s commitments:

  • Present a written declaration in which the authors manifest that the article is original, unpublished, that the data is true, as well as a commitment to not submit it to any other journal. Download format.
  • Provide true information about the authors and the article, among which the institutional affiliation, the education level, and the financing institutions for the project from which the article is derived must be highlighted.
  • Guarantee that every person that participated in the making of the article is included as an author
  • Reference every source consulted and adequately provide said information, as well as being willing to provide further information if required by the editor or the readers.
  • Comply with the requirements and recommendations established within the author's guidelines.
  • Explicitly manifest any conflict of interest that might arise from the publication of the article for every author.
  • Request authorization from the editor of the journal for using the material published in the article for a book.
  • Contribute to the broadcasting of the article(s) published in the journal.
  • Provide basic information about each author in the corresponding formatDownload format.

Commitments of the arbiters or peer reviewers:

The review of the manuscripts is performed by expert peers and is based on the double-blind system, which guarantees that the review complies with the required anonymity standards. The commitments accepted by the arbiters and peer reviewers are:

  • If the peer reviewers identify the authors of the article, they were assigned to review despite it not being in the article submitted to the journal, they must declare any conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest might arise from conditions such as academic or familiar relationships, belonging to the same institution or research group, or belonging to the same professional association, among other professional or personal ties.
  • The reviewers must comply with the timeframe designated by the Editorial Committee of the journal for reviewing the article
  • The reviewers must not reveal the information of the article or the result of the review.
  • The reviewers must commit to not using the article, parts of it, or the information used in the article for their benefit or publications.
  • The reviewers must perform a thorough revision of the originality, scientific quality, and the quality of the information employed.
  • The reviewers must recommend the authors the references, methodologies, and available information that might contribute to the improvement of the article's quality.
  • The reviewers must communicate to the editorial staff the possible ethical problems or inadequate conducts that might arise from their publication proposal.
  • The reviewers must provide basic information

Commitments of the editors:

  • Guarantee the quality and pertinence of the articles published by the Semestre Económico journal.
  • Guarantee permanent compliance with copyrights.
  • Choose a total of six (6) potential peer reviewers for each article that had been accepted for the review process.
  • Guarantee that the review process is done under total anonymity by authors and peer reviewers.
  • Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies whenever necessary.
  • Establish with due anticipation a timeline for the development and publication of every issue in the journal.
  • Perform retractions of articles processes in case of plagiarism or duplicate articles.
  • Design and lead policies and strategies that allow an improvement of the visibility and internationalization of the journal.
  • Guarantee the observance of the periodicity and opportunity of the publication of the Semestre Económico journal.
  • Identify, select and review the composition of the members of the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee of the journal by the experience and academic trajectory of its members.

Commitments of the Editorial and Scientific Committees:

  • Advise and recommend to the editor(s) strategies and policies that allow the improvement of the journal’s scientific quality.
  • Asses the editions published in each period to identify mistakes and suggest changes in further editions.
  • Recommend new members for the Editorial and Scientific Committees.
  • Recommend topics and support the editorial process of the special editions of the journal.
  • Watch the compliance of the editorial requirements of the journal and the new guidelines for the improvement or preservation of the visibility and internationalization of the journal.
  • Contribute to the appointment and issue of peer reviewers for the topic within the scope of their work areas.
The Semestre Económico journal does not apply fees or charges for the processing of articles (Article Processing Charge [APC])submitted by their authors.
If you have any questions, complaints, or requests, please communicate with the following e-mail address:
The Semestre Económico journal is a publication by the Administrative and Economic Sciences Faculty and belongs to the publications system of the University of Medellin.
Resources of the University of Medellin for the publication of the journal.

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