Between 2017 and 1029, the Semestre Económico journal had a quarterly periodicity (4 issues with a total of 30 articles). In 2020, the journal returned to its original biannual periodicity, but with the same number of articles per year (2 issues and 30 articles). By 2022, the number of articles per issue will be reduced to 10 for every issue for a total of 20 articles per year.

Furthermore, since the 52nd issue (third quarter of 2019), the journal has implemented the continuous publishing process, which allows us to upload the articles to the OJS platform for their allocation within the repositories without needing the rest of the articles to be ready for publishing an issue, i.e., as the articles are approved, proofread, and laid out, these can be published individually. Thus, the authors don’t need to wait long periods for the publication of their articles.

Commitments of the authors:

  • Present a written declaration in which the authors manifest that the article is original, unpublished, that the data is true, as well as a commitment to not submit it to any other journal.Download format
  • Provide true information about the authors and the article, among which the institutional affiliation, the education level, and the financing institutions for the project from which the article is derived must be highlighted.
  • Guarantee that every person that participated in the making of the article is included as an author
  • Reference every source consulted and adequately provide said information, as well as being willing to provide further information if required by the editor or the readers.
  • Comply with the requirements and recommendations established within the author's guidelines.
  • Explicitly manifest any conflict of interest that might arise from the publication of the article for every author.
  • Request authorization from the editor of the journal for using the material published in the article for a book.
  • Contribute to the broadcasting of the article(s) published in the journal.
  • Provide basic information about each author in the corresponding format.Download
  • The authors have the right to submit an appeal to the article’s review results.

The authors' guidelines can also be found in the following link:

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