Spatio-temporal variability of anions (SO4 -2 y Cl-) in water rain of Popayán, Colombia
Abstract views: 780
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 13-27
Vulnerability of andean wetlands to change processes: trends analysis
Abstract views: 1478
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 29-42
Young people of popayan city facing climate change. A study from the social representations
Abstract views: 1465
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 43-56
Sustainability in the biofuels supply chains design
Abstract views: 1124
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 57-72
Microwave assisted roasting for enhanced processing of Colombian gold mining samples
Abstract views: 695
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 73-86
Evaluation of a customer loyalty strategy with system dymamics
Abstract views: 2923
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 87-104
Equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic models for the adsorption of red 40 onto corn cob
Abstract views: 1887
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 105-120
Horizontal balancing for mixed models assembly lines
Abstract views: 765
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 121-137
Curvature-based remeshing methodology oriented to human face 3D models
Abstract views: 706
Online: Sep 16, 2015
Pages: 139-160
Overfitting control inside cascade correlation neural networks applied to electricity contract price prediction
Abstract views: 1256
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 161-176
A multi level approach for business process retrieval
Abstract views: 782
Online: Sep 15, 2015
Pages: 177-189