
Hilderman Cardona-Rodas | Bio
Universidad de Medellín, Colombia


Ciencias Sociales y Educación is an editorial fictional act. What is a journal if not the result of a writing performance? The publication of the Social Sciences and Education Faculty of University of Medellín (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad de Medellín) was born in all its creative and academic dýnamis in 2011. Its first issue was published in 2012 and alongside it,
the journal imagines a place threaded by a geometric of multiple expressions, a whole topological potential of what the journal might become as a bet and endeavor in the ritual, both magical and stubborn, in times of editorial marketing. Thus, the journal has projected a set of forces in performative action, a whole dispositif of fictional representation in the theatre of scientific publications, acting and giving an account of a genre located in the field of social sciences and humanities, ruled by a ritualized domination system in a capitalist context.

These sciences currently undergo a dissolution from their narrative that corresponded to the moment of their origin; the XIXth century. In a world where the events flow, the bond and themes tackled by “those sciences” can no longer correspond to the discursive horizon of their epistemological tradition. Today, there are new dispositifs for discipline and control that use a grammatikḗ that makes a framework of fear to the contangere (contact) out of the social bonds, even in times of panic for the presence of the other due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why the 17th issue of the journal Ciencias Sociales y Educación provides a series of articles, translations, and reviews that allows the comprehension of the vertigo of the contemporary human condition, intertwined by the proposal by Tulio Restrepo, from which is possible to analyze the grammar of the society we live in. It is important to highlight that this issue of our journal stands out for its use of inclusive language to avoid the masculinized generalization (overcoming the heterosexism and phallocentrism in the use of common language) as is evidenced in some of the articles that make part of this issue.

How to Cite
Cardona-Rodas, H. (2020). Editorial. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 9(17), 7-18. https://doi.org/10.22395/csye.v9n17a1


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