
Hilderman Cardona-Rodas | Bio
Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia


Our publication is a swirl of transdiscursive experiences that, for these last years of persistence and resistances, has configured other-like spaces (heterotopies) of pedagogic interaction; it is a conversation place by being a journal that has narrative deployments among topics, people, criticisms and contributions to the “tribe” of the social and human sciences. In this sense, in the gravitational field entailed by the process for building a scientific publication, this time the offering is made before an editorial banquet of nine articles derived from research, four translations from French to Spanish and four reviews (three book reviews and a small analysis of the graphic proposal that is intertwined in this issue of the journal about the selected works of the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo).

How to Cite
Cardona-Rodas, H. (2021). Editorial. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 10(20), 7-18. https://doi.org/10.22395/csye.v10n20a1


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