Vol. 15 No. 30 (2017): January-June

Published: 2017-04-30



Abstract views: 971
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 19-20

Internet and political socialization. Consequences in youth participation

Martín Echeverría, José Antonio Meyer

Abstract views: 1912
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 29-49

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a1

Towards a conceptualization of videogames as electronic multimodal discourses

Felipe Pereira Henríquez, Teresa Alonzo Zúñiga

Abstract views: 2003
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 51-64

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a2

The reasons for the success of podemos: populism, audiovisual communication and political marketing

José Ismael Criado Aguilera

Abstract views: 1012
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 65-80

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a3

The podcast as a tool for innovation in university communication spaces

Boris Quintana Guerrero, Carolina Parra Duque, Johanna Paola Riaño Peña

Abstract views: 2539
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 81-100

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a4

The university education ecosystem impacted by ICT

Andrés Barrios Rubio, Gloria Consuelo Fajardo Valencia

Abstract views: 1115
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 101-120

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a5

Youth and cultural consumption an approximation to the significance of media contributions in youth preferences

Héctor Rolando Chaparro Hurtado, Claudia Maritza Guzmán Ariza

Abstract views: 1159
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 121-142

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a6

Resistance as a practice that allows subjectivation An approach to the ritual-concert of Music of Resistance

Mariana Rebeca Ferrari Violante

Abstract views: 695
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 143-164

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a7

'Do not travel alone': the double feminicide of the argentines in Ecuador

Gabriela BardWigdor, Paola Bonavitta

Abstract views: 842
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 165-182

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a8

The construction of John Searle’s social reality: A social ontology without images

Jorge Gregorio Posada Ramírez, Pedro Felipe Díaz Arenas, Diego Fernando Jaramillo Patiño

Abstract views: 1120
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 183-197

DOI: 10.22395/angr.v15n30a9

Editing and Montage in International Film and Video: Theory and Technique

Joan Marimon Pedrosa

Abstract views: 418
Online: May 22, 2017

Pages: 199-202

Evaluators index

Abstract views: 185
Online: Jul 17, 2018

Pages: 25-28