Some problems of ethics in a market economy

Ángel Emilio Muñoz Cardona | Bio
Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, ESAP.



The threat posed to some companies globalization has brought different reactions. The first one is to consider competition as failure to industry national, by not having it with capital and productive capacity of foreign companies, but they forget that competition is also generate feelings of attachment, ie company with its social action must be capable of generating internal relationships that promote and strengthen a sense of belonging, so that the community feels the company as something very highly his or necessary, so it will be ready to defend and support within a globalized economy. The second reaction is considered to be more competitive is necessary evade taxes, because if legally pay all, then we should close the company. But that practice is the only thing that generates an economy consolidation underdeveloped, ruled by distrust, acted with premeditation and falls in the injustice, creating political and social instability leading the nation into extreme poverty, delay in the arts and sciences, in other words, the detachment of man by his country and by its institutions, the feeling of anxiety and unhappiness. The third and final reaction company to be more competitive is the search for the hiring of cheap labor and not by technological and product innovation, which ends with a high deterioration in social relations and the economy leads to greater political, economic and social backwardness. Paradoxically the most competitive and entrepreneurial countries are those where the population enjoys lower unemployment, higher incomes, lower interest rates, lower inflation, more product variety, better quality of life, greater social support, and less concentration of capital.

How to Cite
Muñoz Cardona, Ángel E. (1). Some problems of ethics in a market economy. Semestre Económico, 8(16), 129-140. Retrieved from


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