Regional Development: Reflexions and Alternatives

Éber Elí Gutiérrez Londoño | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Leonardo David López Escobar | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Jairo Pérez Arroyave | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Jaime Alberto Rendón Acevedo
Universidad de Medellín


This paper pick some reflexions about the regional development, with the propouse of to stablish strategies for to posibility the competitivity in the international markets. In the first part have some theories about the development led to improvement of the life quality of the society. After, in second time, it plans some management strategies for to set competitive aspects based in the diversity and in its costs structure (value chains, clusters and productive chains), for to create a relation micro and macro between the State, the enterprises and the comunities.
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Londoño, Éber E., López Escobar, L. D., Pérez Arroyave, J., & Rendón Acevedo, J. A. (1). Regional Development: Reflexions and Alternatives. Semestre Económico, 5(9). Retrieved from


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