Design of the quality scheme of the hotels tourist experience

Ivis Taide González Camejo | Bio
Universidad de Holguín
Leudis Orlando Vega de la Cruz | Bio
Universidad de Holguín
Juan Antonio Chong Poutou | Bio
Universidad de Holguín


The quality of the tourist experiences constitutes a determinant element in customer satisfaction since the last decade. The main goal of this article is to design a quality scheme of the tourist experience for hotel entities, in order to do so this study employed statistic tools that facilitated the identification of the determinant elements and did so following the management cycle approach. As the main result of this study, it presents a quality scheme of the tourist experience adapted to the characteristics of the hotel industry that integrates the components, dimension and realm of experiences that influences the most in the perception of the quality by the customer, which allows the identification of customer expectancies and the design of a strategy based on these.


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How to Cite
González Camejo, I. T., Vega de la Cruz, L. O., & Chong Poutou, J. A. (2020). Design of the quality scheme of the hotels tourist experience. Semestre Económico, 23(54), 113-128.


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