About Neo-Constitutionalism. A Synthesis for Constitutionalists with a Legal Theoretician’s Spirit

J. Ignacio Núñez Leiva | Bio
Facultad de Derecho Universidad Finis Terrae.


This article provides a synthesis of the main theses associated to
the several types of neo-constitutionalism. The article analyzes its
conceptual origin and its main hypotheses and finally outlines the
uncompleted elements of these ideas.

How to Cite
Núñez Leiva, J. I. (2016). About Neo-Constitutionalism. A Synthesis for Constitutionalists with a Legal Theoretician’s Spirit. Opinión Jurídica, 15(29), 187-202. https://doi.org/10.22395/ojum.v15n29a9


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