The problems of environmental immigrants and private sponsorship of refugees

David Fernando Santiago Villena del Carpio | Bio
Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina
Danielle Annoni | Bio
Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina


The purpose of this article is to analyze the policy of Private Sponsorship of Refugees, which is shown as an alternative to face massive refugee flows. The Private Sponsorship of Refugees, which was born in Canada in the 1970s, is based on the involvement of the private sector, not restricted to business but to society as a whole, which assumes sponsorship, or responsibility for financially assisting asylum seekers seeking refuge in the host State, raising awareness of the plight and reality faced by asylum seekers in the local society. In this sense, this article will analyze how Private Sponsorship of Refugees can provide a rapid response to the flow of environmental displaced persons, since they are not embedded in the definition of refugees in international law.


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How to Cite
Villena del Carpio, D. F. S., & Annoni, D. (2018). The problems of environmental immigrants and private sponsorship of refugees. Opinión Jurídica, 16(32), 75-95.


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