Responsabilidad del Estado por el uso de armas de fuego. Su incidencia en el presupuesto del Ministerio de Defensa y de la Policía Nacional
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The expenses which Government has for sentences and conciliations from dangerous activities in defense has been a topic to be worried about at the interior of Ministry of Defense due to the large amounts of money paid by the use of fire weapons, connatural activity to the constitutional mission developed by Public Force. Consequently, it was necessary to carry out an investigation in both Ministry of Defense and National Police to determine the causes for increasing these sentences, and to present some recommendations to prevent them.
How to Cite
Hoyos Duque, R. (2005). Responsabilidad del Estado por el uso de armas de fuego. Su incidencia en el presupuesto del Ministerio de Defensa y de la Policía Nacional. Opinión Jurídica, 4(8), 73–96. Retrieved from