Minimum Vital of Drinking Water in the Jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court

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Elizabeth Restrepo Gutiérrez
Carlos Alberto Zárate Yepes


The minimum vital of drinking water for vulnerable people is protected by the Colombian Constitutional Jurisprudence, locally and nationally. The Constitutional Court has created a solid jurisprudential line on the right to water in relation to the suspension of water supply service for the customer’s failure to pay for the service; this Court has also defined the conditions necessary for the companies to refrain from suspending service and the minimum amount necessary for survival. Compliance with these sentences has been limited to the orders pronounced to the benefit of the company that provides such service, including the execution of payment agreements for accessing the water supply. The implementation of the free minimum vital of drinking water in Colombia has been defined through targeting and requirements that are set only to benefit market laws, such as payment agreements, except for Bogota that, from the point of view of human rights,
has proposed the respect for the minimum vital of drinking water for all social strata.

How to Cite
Restrepo Gutiérrez, E., & Zárate Yepes, C. A. (2016). Minimum Vital of Drinking Water in the Jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court. Opinión Jurídica, 15(29), 123–140.

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Author Biographies

Elizabeth Restrepo Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín

Abogada de la Universidad de Antioquia, candidata a magíster en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo de la Universidad
Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín.

Carlos Alberto Zárate Yepes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín

Abogado U. de A., economista agrícola UNAL y magíster en Derecho Procesal U. de M. Profesor asociado a
la Facultad de Minas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín, Escuela Ingeniería de la Organización.
Coordinador del grupo de investigación en Política, Legislación y Gestión Ambiental POLYGESTA. 

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