Basic Income Policy in the Light of Intersectional Feminism
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This paper presents Philippe Van Parijs’ proposal of unconditional basic income as a project of freedom, contrasting it with intersectional feminism. The aim is to analyze the impact of the basic income policy for women excluded from hegemonic feminism. It thus proposes to broaden the debate on unconditional basic income for women who experience barriers to freedom and equality arising from the intersection of gender, race, and class. The initial hypothesis of this research is that Van Parijs’s theory would be able to respond to the intersectional objections against it. Through a literature review, the analysis was done in terms of 'choices and life' and 'income'. It was concluded that the vanparijsian proposition, while it may be a necessary instrument of freedom, fails to meet the entirety of the challenges presented by intersectional feminism, which refutes the initial hypothesis of this paper.
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