The Absence of Clarity in the Ontology of Restorative Justice through its Application Ways in the Mexican Context

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Benjamín Salvador Simón
Jesús España Lozano


It is undeniable that restorative justice has been widely studied from very different theoretical perspectives. Currently, there is still no consensus on its definition or its application ways. This lack of clarification, far from motivating a debate in pro of its scientific construction, generates confusion and lack of clarity in the legislation texts that encompass it, thus negatively influencing the conflict’s actor in case of a mala praxis originated in the absence of concretion. This work pretends to attend to that lack of clarity through personal reflection by giving importance, thus, to the need for clarity regarding the ways of application of restorative justice. All this with the purpose of establishing protocols that allow the development of efficient interventions that are centered around its objectives. The answer to this question is not a critical one, but an exposition of the areas of opportunity to be worked from academia and the professional branch to achieve an adequate strengthening of restorative justice in general and its application ways in particular.

How to Cite
Salvador Simón, B., & España Lozano, J. (2022). The Absence of Clarity in the Ontology of Restorative Justice through its Application Ways in the Mexican Context. Opinión Jurídica, 21(45), 110–124.

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