The Succession of States in Matters of Territorial and Border Treaties in the Light of the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice

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Tatiana Cardoso Squeff
Augusto Guimarães Carrijo
Antônio Teixeira Junqueira Neto
Willy Ernandes Costa Batista


This article aims to discuss the effects and consequences of the succession of States regarding international treaties; specifically, regarding the border and territorial regimes built by such documents. For that matter, using the deductive method o, we divide the present study into two parts. First, following a descriptive procedure of analysis and from the use of bibliographic and documental research techniques we intend to carry out a broad study of the theories that guide the succession effects of treaties in cases of state separation, that is, the continuity theory and the tabula rasa principle. Then, following an analytic procedure of analysis, we aim at objectively and respectively verifying the territorial and border regimes from a study of the cases Gabdikovo-Nagymaros and Lybia vs. Chad before the International Court of Justice, pointing to provisions that could be made to borders and territories treaties regarding successor States. In the end, it is concluded that, although the tabula rasa theory is used as an exception to the principle of continuity of State binding, it is still applied when referring to treaties in matters of borders and territories, although its application is not free from criticism.

How to Cite
Cardoso Squeff, T., Guimarães Carrijo, A., Teixeira Junqueira Neto, A., & Costa Batista, W. E. (2023). The Succession of States in Matters of Territorial and Border Treaties in the Light of the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice. Opinión Jurídica, 22(47), 1–21.

Article Details


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Cardoso Squeff, Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU

Professor of the Graduate Program in Laws at the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU (Brazil), where she is also an associate professor of International Law. Shew holds a PhD in International Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (Brazil), with a period of studies at the University of Ottawa (Canada); an LLM in Public Law from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS (Brazil), with a period of studies at the University of Toronto (Canada), with a CAPES/DFAIT scholarship. Coordinator of the UFU International Decree Study Group - GEPDI/CNPq. Member of ASADIP, International Law Association - ILA/Brasil, Brazilian Association of International Relations - ABRI, and Association of International Studies - ISA.

Augusto Guimarães Carrijo, Universidad Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Saint Mary University

Graduando em Direito, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Pesquisador no GEPDI/UFU, no Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Biodireito e Direitos Humanos e no Grupo "Direito Internacional Crítico"; Estagiário do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito do Mar (IBDMAR); Bolsista de Iniciação Científica do CNPq. Atualmente, está em período de mobilidade internacional junto à Saint Mary University, Halifax (Canadá).

Antônio Teixeira Junqueira Neto, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)

Graduando em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Direito Internacional (GEPDI-CNPq) e extensionista da Assessoria Jurídica para Estrangeiros em Situação Irregular ou de Risco (Ajesir/UFU).

Willy Ernandes Costa Batista, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)

Graduando em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Direito Internacional (GEPDI-CNPq).